Passing under the yoke at the Battle of the Caudine Forks (Source: Wikimedia Commons) To pass under the yoke…where does
Two Druids walking through the English countryside (Source: Wikimedia Commons) Druid. The name has a certain vague mystique. It carries
Sertorius and the Horse Tail by Gerard Van Der Kuijl, 1638 (Source: Wikimedia Commons) What is better, perseverance or brute
Seneca the Younger (source: See below) We’ve all been there. We say don’t we — I’ll wait until tomorrow to
Bust of Plutarch (Source: Wikipedia)
Lao-Tzu riding upon a water buffalo by Zhang Lu; Ming Dynasty (1368-1664) (Source: Wikipedia) Lao-Tzu, ‘The Old Master’ was an
Fortune spinning her wheel. From Boccaccio’s De Cassibus Virorum IIIustruim. (Source: Wikipedia) Inconstancy is my very essence; it is the
‘The empty-handed traveller whistles his way past any highwayman.’ A famous line of the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (X, 22).
Genius of Augustus (Source: Wikipedia) What is a Genius? I know, you will say, someone exceptionally intelligent, such as an
Antonine Plague (Source: See below) At times of great upheaval and uncertainty, what can fortify our weary minds? Is there